
Curiosities of the Rottweiler

Are you seriously considering acquiring a Rottweiler dog? Here we are going to tell you the curiosities of the rottweiler. This breed of dog has always been regarded as aggressive and dangerous. This is because it has a strong and robust appearance; he is brave and self-confident.

That is why, since ancient times he has been trained to fight. However, it is a dog that has a very tender side, which makes it a suitable dog for the family: since it can be very affectionate, loyal and loves hugs.
If you want to know more about this imposing and interesting breed, do not forget to read the curiosities of the Rottweiler.

Curiosities of the Rottweiler

Curiosities of the Rottweiler

History of rottweiler

The Rottweiler is one of the oldest dogs in existence. There are records that, at the time of the Roman Empire, the ancestors of this dog were used for protection and driving of livestock. Also, they were an excellent company for Roman soldiers fighting in other regions.

Centuries later, the predecessors of the Rottweiler, settled in the province of Rottweil (hence the current name), located in Germany. Where they mixed with other native German dogs, giving rise to the breed we know today.

Since those times, they have been performing various functions; such as herding cattle or protecting their master. There was even a time when it was very common for local butchers to use this breed to help them during the slaughter of livestock. The dog was in charge of controlling the most aggressive bulls and cows, facilitating the activity of the butchers. When butchers came to fairs to acquire new cattle, they took their dog to protect them from raiders; they even hung on the dog’s necklace, a small bag where they kept the coins.

In 1910 he was officially appointed a police dog, rendering his services to both the police force and the army.

Physical characteristics of the Rottweiler

This breed of dog is characterized by being large and having a strong and muscular body. Males usually weigh between 45 and 50 kilograms; and measure from 61 to 68 centimeters. While females can weigh between 40 and 45 kilograms; while the height ranges between 56 and 63 centimeters. Their life expectancy is around 11 years of age.
It has a large, wide head; the muzzle is deep and square in shape, with a “scissor” bite; the ears are medium, drooping and triangular in shape. As for the tail, there is a controversial debate, that of whether to cut it or not; opinion that varies depending on the different existing canine federations.

With regard to its fur, the Rottweiler has two layers: an external one composed of medium and thick hair; and an undercoose layer, whose hair is short and soft. The color of the coat is black, with reddish-brown spots located in areas such as the muzzle, chest, throat, limbs, cheeks and under the tail, mainly.

Curiosities of the Rottweiler

Curiosities of the Rottweiler

Rottweiler personality

The Rottweiler tends to be a friendly, calm, obedient and cheerful dog. In addition, it is considered one of the ten most intelligent races in the world.

Due to its state of permanent alertness, as well as its concentration and safety, it is an excellent watchdog; able to react quickly to the intentions of any stranger. It is necessary that his master has experience and authority when it comes to training him, since he is a dog that has a lot of energy, strength and vitality.

This dog could have an unstable, even aggressive behavior; this is because many breeders of this breed try to get specimens of dominant character. For this reason, if we want to avoid any problem of this nature, it is necessary to educate him with firmness and discipline since he is a puppy. In this way, the dog will become a faithful and noble ally. In some countries, people must have special permission to have a pet rottweiler.

Rottweiler care

The Rottweiler, is relatively easy to care for. That is, it does not require very special care. For example, it is recommended to brush it at least once a week and bathe it when necessary.
You can live inside an apartment, as long as you go for a walk and exercise every day. This activity should be done at least two hours a day, in order to maintain good mental and physical health. When they are puppies it is very important that they maintain a regular exercise load, since, otherwise, their limbs could atrophy.

As for feeding, we must regularly provide food: at the same time and similar amounts. The dog must learn to eat his food at the time it is provided. If it has been a while and you have not tried it, it will be removed and you will not eat until the next meal. However, it is necessary that you always have fresh and clean water available, as they can suffer attacks of thirst due to the therefore being very active. It has excellent health although due to its size it can be prone to stomach twisting.

After knowing the curiosities of the Rottweiler, you are already better prepared to have a specimen of this breed in your home.

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